“10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy.”
Two important research reports presented
At the “10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy” – ICISSP 2024 held in Rome Feb. 26-28, 2024, BV TECH presented two research reports, carried out as part of the research activities under the Program Contract “Cybersecurity and SOC Product Suite.”
The research reports
Colleagues Antonio Maci and Giuseppe Urbano, from the Grottaglie (TA) office, presented the research report “Deep Q-Networks for Imbalanced Multi-class Malware Classification.“, carried out together with colleague Antonio Coscia. The research proposes a comparative study of the configurations and performance of malware recognition techniques based on dynamic analysis of invoked APIs through the use of Deep Reinforcement Learning and DQN and DDQN type networks.
Fellow Tony Delvecchio, from the Grottaglie (TA) office, and Sander Zeijlemaker, from MIT – Sloan School, presented the research report “Revolutionizing Board Cyber-risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming.“, carried out with our colleagues Giancarlo De Bernardis and Michael Siegel of MIT – Sloan School, as part of the scientific collaboration in place since 2015 between BV TECH and MIT. The research proposes an innovative approach to management training for cyber risk management, demonstrating the benefits of a collaborative approach implemented through a “serious gaming” application that takes advantage of the benefits offered by NUI interfaces.
Corso Europa, 3
74023 Grottaglie (TA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321
S.P. 84 Adelfia-Rutigliano, C.da Caggiano
70018 Rutigliano (BA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).