BV TECH: using advanced cybersecurity strategies based on AI techniques

The seventh edition of the convention


A seminar entitled “Enhancing Cybersecurity Defenses with SIEM leveraging UEBA: A Comprehensive Approach to Threat Detection and Response” was held on 5/24/23 at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” as part of the dissemination activities of the research activities carried out by BV TECH within the Program Contract “CyberSecurity and SOC Product Suite“, co-funded by the Puglia Region (Operation co-funded with the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 – 2020 – Axis I – Specific Objective 1a – Action 1.1 RD).

The kind invitation of Professors Maria Teresa Baldassarre, Danilo Caivano, Maria Francesca Costabile and Giuseppe Pirlo provided us the opportunity to present one of the research topics addressed in the project activities to students in the Master of Science in Computer Science, Secure Software Engineering curriculum at the Faculty of Computer Science.

Cybersecurity Strategies

The seminar taught by Dr. Alessio Magrì and Roberto Covella of BV TECH was conducted in english to allow participation by foreign students and illustrated the use of advanced Cybersecurity strategies based on the use of artificial intelligence techniques applied to the analysis of user and entity behavior within SIEM systems.

After describing the main features of a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) system, our colleagues presented a comparison between the use of User and Entity Behaviour Analysis (UEBA) machine learning techniques on collected data and classical Rule-Based methodologies as tools to enhance cyber threat detection capabilities, emphasizing the importance of identifying behavioral patterns in users and resources for early detection of zero-day and Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) attacks. These are two types of threats that are particularly insidious and undetectable through the use of previously known indicators of compromise.

The opportunity to engage with the academic world was met with great interest from students and Professors, while highlighting the importance of the University’s development of advanced skills in Cybersecurity and the opportunities for qualified employment in the area offered in industrial development and research by the BV TECH Group.

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Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

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