The research report “FROG” has been published in volume 257 – 2/2025 of Computer Networks
The research report “”FROG: a Firewall Rule Order Generator for faster packet filtering”, made by colleagues Antonio Coscia, Antonio Maci and Nicola Tamma, was published on volume 257 – 2/2025 of Computer Networks
A new milestone
With this publication, the 20 research reports produced to date within the activities provided for by the “Cybersecurity and SOC product suite” programme contract and published in scientific journals or presented at national and international conferences have been exceeded.
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Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).