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“APIARY: an API-based Automatic Rule generator for Yara to enhance malware detection”
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Roberto Lorusso, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Urbano
Magazine: Computers Security

GOLLUM: Guiding cOnfiguration of firewaLL Through aUgmented Large Language Models
Authors: Roberto Lorusso, Antonio Maci and Antonio Coscia
Journal: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence – Volume 1: ICAART

MAGICIAN: Malware classification Approach through Generation Image using a Conditional and wassersteIn generative Adversarial Network variants
Authors: Stefano Galantucci, Andrea Iannacone, Giuseppe Pirlo, Lucia Sarcinella, Alessandro Stamerra
Magazine: 2025 IEEE 4th International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)

FROG: a Firewall Rule Order Generator for faster packet filtering
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Antonio Maci, Nicola Tamma
Magazine: Computer Networks Volume 257

BV TECH + MIT: Employing Board Cyber-Risk Management Collaborative Game Under Condition Of Uncertainty
Authors: Tony Delvecchio and Giancarlo De Bernardis, Sander Zeijlemaker and Michael Siegel
Journal: Springer – Communications in Computer and Information Science

PROGESI: a PROxy Grammar to Enhance web application firewall for SQL Injection prevention.
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: IEEE Access

SINNER: A Reward-Sensitive Algorithm for Imbalanced Malware Classification Using Neural Networks with Experience Replay
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Andrea Iannacone, Antonio Maci, Alessandro Stamerra
Magazine: Volume 15, Issue 8

A comprehensive investigation of clustering algorithms for User and Entity Behavior Analytics
Authors: Pierpaolo Artioli, Antonio Maci, Alessio Magrì
Magazine: Big Data, 09 May 2024 Sec. Cybersecurity and Privacy
Volume 7 – 2024

Deep Q-Networks for Imbalanced Multi-Class Malware Classification.
Authors: Antonio Maci; Giuseppe Urbano, Antonio Coscia
Journal: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy ICISSP – Volume 1

Revolutionizing Board Cyber-Risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming.
Authors: Tony Delvecchio, Sander Zeijlemaker, Giancarlo De Bernardis, Michael Siegel
Journal: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy ICISSP – Volume 1

Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Malicious URL Detection with Feature Selection
Authors: Antonio Maci, Nicola Tamma, Antonio Coscia
Magazine: 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)

Automatic decision tree based NIDPS ruleset generation for DoS/DDoS attacks
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Pirlo
Journal: Journal of Information Security and Applications

A Reinforcement-Learning-based Agent to Discover Safety-Critical States in Smart Grid Environments.
Authors: Alessandro Santorsola, Antonio Maci, Piero Delvecchio, Antonio Coscia
Magazine: 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME)

An innovative two-stage algorithm to optimize Firewall rule ordering
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: Computers Security

YAMME: a YAra-byte-signatures Metamorphic Mutation Engine.
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Antonio Maci, Giuseppe Pirlo
Journal: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security

Unbalanced Web Phishing Classification through Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Authors: Antonio Maci, Alessandro Santorsola, Antonio Coscia, Andrea Iannacone
Magazine: Computers, Volume 12, Issue 6

A novel genetic algorithm approach for firewall policy
Authors: Antonio Coscia, Vincenzo Dentamaro, Stefano Galantucci, Donato Impedovo, Antonio Maci
Magazine: 17

A study on malware detection and classification using the analysis of API calls sequences through shallow learning and recurrent neural networks
Authors: Angelo Cannarile, Francesco Carrera, Stefano Galantucci, Andrea Iannacone, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: 9

Reinforcement Learning Agents for Simulating Normal and Malicious Actions in Cyber Range Scenarios
Authors: Alessandro Santorsola, Aldo Migliau, Sabino Caporusso
Magazine: 1

How to align cyber risk management with business needs
Authors: Sander Zeijlemaker, Michael Siegel, Daniel Goldsmith, Shaharyar Khan
Site: World Economic Forum

Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning Techniques for API Calls Malware Prediction: A Study
Authors: Angelo Cannarile,Vincenzo Dentamaro,Stefano Galantucci, Andrea Iannacone,Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: Appl. Sci., Volume 12, Issue 3

Combining Unsupervised Approaches for Near Real-Time Network Traffic Anomaly Detection
Authors: Francesco Carrera,Vincenzo Dentamaro,Stefano Galantucci, Andrea Iannacone,Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo
Magazine: Appl. Sci., Volume 12, Issue 3

Cyber Range for Industrial Control Systems (CR-ICS) for Simulating Attack Scenarios.
Authors: Shaharyar Khan, Alberto Volpatto, Geet Kalra, Jonathan Esteban, Tommaso Pescanoce, Sabino Caporusso, Michael Siegel
Magazine: 21

Colleagues Antonio Maci and Roberto Lorusso of CyberLab BV TECH attended the “17th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2025), which was held from 23 to 25 February 2025 in Porto (Portugal), presenting the research report “GOLLUM”.

The “CARIOCA” research report has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Information Security
The research report “CARIOCA: Prioritizing the use of IoC by threats assessment shared on the MISP platform” has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Information Security and will be available soon.

The research report “APIARY” has been accepted for publication in the journal Computer & Security
The research report “APIARY: an API-based Automatic Rule generator for Yara to enhance malware detection” has been accepted for publication in the first-rate journal Computer & Security, and will be available soon.

BV TECH at Incyber Forum Europe
BV TECH will participate in the 17th edition of Incyber Forum Europe, an event of international importance, which will be held in Lille (France) from 1 to 3 April 2025.

The BV TECH Cyber Range at ITASEC ’25
Alessandro Santorsola and Luigi Cavallo of CyberLab BV TECH gave a practical demonstration of the innovative capabilities and functionalities of the Cyber Range BV TECH, realized within the research program “Cybersecurity and SOC Product Suite”.

The CyberLab of Grottaglie at the short master “Cybersecurity for network resilience” of the Politecnico di Bari
On 8th February 2025, the colleagues of CyberLab in Grottaglie, led by Antonio Maci, held a lecture within the module “Security in telecommunications networks: offensive techniques” within the short master “Cybersecurity for network resilience”

BV TECH at the 4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)
The colleagues Alessandro Stamerra and Piero Delvecchio from CyberLab in Grottaglie attended the “4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC)”, which was held in Houston (USA) from 5 to 7 February, where the MAGICIAN research report was presented.

BV TECH is Gold Sponsor of ITASEC25: Cyber Range live demo
BV TECH is Gold Sponsor of the ninth edition of ITASEC – SERICS, the Joint National Conference on Cybersecurity that will be held in Bologna from 3 to 8 February 2025 at the University of Bologna in the classrooms of the Plesso Belmeloro.

Presentation of the research report “GOLLUM” at the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2025
The research report “GOLLUM: Guided firewall cOnfiguration using Large LangUage Models”, made by CyberLab colleagues from Grottaglie and Rutigliano, was accepted for presentation at ICAART 2025, which will be held from 23 to 25 February 2025 in Porto.

The “FROG” research report was published in volume 257 – 2/2025 of Computer Networks
The 20 research reports produced to date within the activities provided for by the “Cybersecurity and SOC Product Suite” Programme Contract, published in scientific journals or presented at national and international conferences, have been exceeded.

Il rapporto di ricerca “FROG: a Firewall Rule Order Generator for faster packet filtering“ è stato accettato per la Pubblicazione
The research report “”FROG: a Firewall Rule Order Generator for faster packet filtering,” by colleagues Antonio Coscia, Antonio Maci and Nicola Tamma, has been accepted for publication in Computer Networks

Research report presented at the 4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity
The research report “MAGICIAN: Malware classification Approach through Generation Image using Conditional and wassersteIn generative Adversarial Network variants” has been accepted for presentation at the “4th IEEE International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity (ICAIC).”

BV TECH at the “10th Anniversary Meeting” of the CAMS consortium
Michael Siegel outlined the main results of collaborative activities with BV TECH related to the integration of industrial control system modeling capabilities within the Cyber Range and the creation of a “serious gaming” platform aimed at improving understanding of the dynamics related to cybersecurity investments.

BV TECH, one of the research reports is among the most cited on MDPI
The research paper “Comparing Deep Learning and Shallow Learning Techniques for API Calls Malware Prediction: A Study” by colleague Andrea Iannacone (with collaboration from the University of Bari) is among the most cited papers in the journal.

Research report presentation at “IEEE 2024”
During the “IEEE 2024,” Alessandro Santorsola of the Grottaglie Cyber Lab presented the research report “Effect of Indoor Radio Propagation on Physical Layer Security Secrecy Key Generation”

BV TECH, a special mention from MDPI
The article “Combining Unsupervised Approaches for Near Real-Time Network Traffic Anomaly Detection” by colleague Andrea Iannacone, with collaboration from theUniversity of Bari, was among the most cited articles in the journal.

BV TECH: two seminars organized at Uniba
the research group of the CyberLab BV TECH in Grottaglie held two seminars at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” on 5/28/2024 to illustrate the results of some of the research activities carried out.

BV TECH at the 3rd Annual CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium (CCIS)
As part of the activities to disseminate the results of the research activities carried out by BV TECH within the Program Contract, BV TECH participated in the “3rd Annual CAMS Cybersecurity Innovation Symposium,” organized by the CAMS consortium, of which BV TECH is Founding Member, which was held in Cambridge, MA on May 15, 2024.

BV TECH in the CAMS newsletter
The presentation of the research report “Revolutionizing Board Cyber-risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming,” conducted jointly with MIT, is also now in the newsletter “Cybersecurity” No.54 – Q1 2024 of the CAMS consortium of which BV TECH is Founding Member.

Gottaglie’s CyberLab at the Politecnico di Bari
As part of the dissemination of the results of the research activities carried out by BV TECH within the Program Contract, on May 17, 2024, colleagues from the CyberLab in Grottaglie presented some of their achievements to students in the master’s degree programs in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering at Bari Polytechnic University.

BV TECH at ITASEC24, presented a new research report
As part of the Scientific & Technical Session “AI for Cybersecurity,” the research report “Account Hijacking Detection with KATANA, a K-means Approach for Targeted user behavior ANAlysis” was presented, carried out as part of the research activities under the Program Contract “Cybersecurity Product Suite and SOC.”

10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
At the “10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy” – ICISSP 2024, BV TECH presented two research reports, carried out as part of the research activities under the Program Contract “Cybersecurity and SOC Product Suite.”

BV TECH At “International Conference on AI in Cybersecurity” – ICAIC-2024
BV TECH presented the research report “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Malicious URL Detection with Feature Selection”, carried out as part of the activities provided for by the Program Contract “Suite products Cybersecurity and SOC”.

BV TECH will be at the 10th edition of ICISSP 2024
Two research reports developed under the Program Contract activities and with the collaboration of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will be presented at the conference:
– “Deep Q-Networks for Imbalanced Multi-class Malware Classification.”
– “Revolutionizing board cyber-risk management using collaborative gaming.”

BV TECH at the University of Bari
Our colleagues from the CyberLab in Grottaglie presented their work to the students of the master’s degree program in Computer Science, In the context of the dissemination actions of the results of the research activities carried out by BV TECH within the Program Contract,

BV TECH took part at the third edition of ICECCME
BV TECH presented the results of scientific research developed as part of the activities under the Program Contract.

BV TECH presents the “ICTALIA” Project.
The launch of the cybersecurity platform.

BV TECH meets the students of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”
At the University of Bari “Aldo Moro” was held a seminar entitled “IoC Analysis: Assessment of threats shared through the MISP platform”.

BV TECH: using advanced cybersecurity strategies based on AI techniques
Presented one of the research topics addressed as part of project activities to students in the Master of Science in Computer Science program at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro.”

Sabino Caporusso at the microphones of ITASEC23
BV TECH’s commitment to the evolution of national cybersecurity.

ITASEC23: BV TECH talks about its technologies aimed to support the defense of critical national infrastructure
BV TECH is again platinum sponsor at ITASEC, the nation’s leading IT security conference.

Cyberchallenge 2024
29/06/2024 – 30/06/2024

Cybersecurity for Digital Transformation
Bari – Conference Room Cruise Terminal Port of Bari

7/04/2021 – 9/04/2021
Corso Europa, 3
74023 Grottaglie (TA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321
S.P. 84 Adelfia-Rutigliano, C.da Caggiano
70018 Rutigliano (BA)
Tel.: +39.02.8596171
Fax: +39.02.89093321

Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).