Sabino Caporusso and Giorgio Campiotti at the microphones of ITASEC23
The seventh edition of the convention
Sabino Caporusso, Technical Director – ASA DSSS, and Giorgio Campiotti, Senior Security Engineer of Secure Network, spoke to the microphones of ITASEC23 – the main national conference on cybersecurity, organized by the Cybersecurity National Lab of CINI (National Inter-university Consortium for Informatics) and of which BV TECH is a sponsor.
The seventh edition of the convention will hold to Bari in the spaces of the Center Congresses of the Fair of the East from the 2 to the 5 May and previews the participation of personalities and experts of international caliber in order to tell the challenges of the computer security in a world more and more geopolitically complex.
Among the exceptional guests, Elisa Bertino (Purdue University, USA), V.S. Subrahmanian, (Northwestern University, USA) and Bruno Frattasi, general director of the Agency for National Cybersecurity (ACN).
It is the prestige of the many guests who meet annually at ITASEC to ensure the success of the conference, created to bring together professionals and visionaries from industry, academia and public administration.
The conference, which sees the legal patronage of ACN, will be an opportunity for a debate on the progress of the National Cybersecurity Strategy (2022-2026) and the strategic initiatives of the Agency, designed for public administration, companies and the world of research.
Among the most important topics, all central in the next edition of the conference, also the security of public infrastructure and resilience in the face of the challenges of an international conflict that registers the increasingly marked relevance of the fifth domain – Cybernetic – as a space of conflict.
But the program is full of appointments and includes several scientific and dissemination sessions that will address the broader and current issues of cybersecurity, from Artificial Intelligence to the role of each of us in cybersecurity, Quantum Security and Distributed Ledger Technologies.
Representatives of some of the industry’s leading companies will also be invited to address “hot” issues, such as new technological frontiers, technological sovereignty and the risks and opportunities associated with certifications.
Watch the video of Sabino Caporusso:
Watch the video of Giorgio Campiotti:
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Project funded by the European Regional Development Fund Puglia POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 - Axis I - Specific Objective 1a - Action 1.1 (R&D), and with the support of the University of Bari and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).